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幼兒園+小學+中學 教材大全套 美國小學中學自然科學 Let’s Read and Find Out Science 150本PDF電子書 合輯版

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幼兒園+小學+中學 教材大全套 美國小學中學自然科學 Let’s Read and Find Out Science 150本PDF電子書 合輯版
幼兒園+小學+中學 教材大全套 美國小學中學自然科學 Let’s Read and Find Out Science 150本PDF電子書 合輯版


Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science L1 共41本
1-10 Animals in Winter-1.pdf
1-11 Baby Whales Drink Milk-1.pdf
1-12 Big Tracks,Little Tracks-1.pdf
1-13 Bugs Are Insects_1.pdf
1-14 Dinosaurs Big and Small_1.pdf
1-15 Ducks Don't Get Wet_1.pdf
1-16 Fireflies in the Night-1.pdf
1-18 From Seed to Pumpkin-1.pdf
1-20 How Animal Babies Stay Safe-1.pdf
1-21 How a Seed Grows-1.pdf
1-22 A Nest Full of Eggs-1.pdf
1-23 Our Puppies Are Growing-1.pdf
1-24 Starfish-1.pdf
1-25 A Tree Is a Plant-1.pdf
1-26 What Lives in a Shell-1.pdf
1-27 What's Alive-1.pdf
1-28 What's It Like to Be a Fish-1.pdf
1-29 Where Are the Night Animals-1.pdf
1-30 Where Do Chicks Come From-1.pdf
1-39 A Cavity Is a Hole in Your Tooth-1.pdf
1-40 Everybody, Move Your Feet!-1.pdf
1-41 Why Can't I Have Cake for Dinner-1.pdf
1-01How Many Teeth-1.pdf
1-02 I Can Tell by Touching-1.pdf
1-03 I'm Growing!-1.pdf
1-04 Look at Your Eyes-1.pdf
1-05 My Feet-1.pdf
1-06 My Five Senses-1.pdf
1-07 My Hands-1.pdf
1-08 On the Move-1.pdf
1-09 Sleep Is for Everyone-1.pdf
1-31 Air Is All Around You-1.pdf
1-32 The Big Dipper-1.pdf
1-33 Clouds-1.pdf
1-34 Is There Life in Outer Space-1.pdf
1-35 Pop!-1.pdf
1-36 Snow Is Falling-1.pdf
1-37 Sounds All Around-1.pdf
1-38 What Makes a Shadow-1.pdf

Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science L2 共78本
01 A Drop of Blood.pdf
02 Germs Make Me Sick.pdf
03 Hear Your Heart.pdf
04 The Skeleton Inside you.pdf
05 What Happens to a Hamburger-1.pdf
06 Why I Sneeze, Shiver, Hiccup, and Yawn.pdf
07 Your Skin and Mine-1.pdf
08 Almost Gone-1.pdf
09 Ant Cities-1.pdf
10 Be a Friend to Trees-1.pdf
11 Chirping Crickets-1.pdf
12 Corn Is Maize-1.pdf
13 Dolphin Talk-1.pdf
14 Honey in a Hive-1.pdf
15 How Do Apples Grow-2.pdf
16 How Do Birds Find Their Way-1.pdf
17 Life in a Coral Reef-1.pdf
18 Look Out for Turtles!-1.pdf
19 Milk from Cow to Carton-1.pdf
20 An Octopus Is Amazing-1.pdf
21 Penguin Chick-1.pdf
22 Snakes Are Huntes-1.pdf
23 Spinning Spiders-1.pdf
24 Sponges Are Skeletons-1.pdf
25 What Color is Camouflage-1.pdf
26 Who Eats What-1.pdf
27 Who Lives in an Alligator Hole-1.pdf
28 Why Do Leaves Change Color-1.pdf
29 Why Frogs Are Wet-1.pdf
30 Wiggling Worms at Work-1.pdf
31 Zipping,Zapping,Zooming Batsl-1.pdf
32 Did Dinosaurs Have Feathers-1.pdf
33 Digging Up Dinosaurs-1.pdf
34 Dinosaur Babies-1.pdf
35 Dinosaur Bones-1.pdf
36 Dinosaur Tracks-1.pdf
37 Dinosaurs Are Different-1.pdf
38 Fossils Tell of Long Ago-1.pdf
39 My Visit to the Dinosaurs-1.pdf
40 What Happened to the Dinosaurs-1.pdf
41 Floating in Space-1.pdf
42 The International Space Station-1.pdf
43 Mission to Mars-1.pdf
44 The Moon Seems to Change-1.pdf
45 The Planets in Our Solar System-1.pdf
46 The Sky Is Full of Stars-1.pdf
47 The Sun Our Nearest Star-1.pdf
48 What Makes Day and Night-1.pdf
49 What the Moon Is Like-1.pdf
50 Down Comes the RAIN.pdf
51 Feel the wind.pdf
52 flash,Crash,Rumble,and Roll-1.pdf
53 Sunshine Makes the Seasons-1.pdf
54 Tornado Alert-1.pdf
55 What Will the Weather Be-1.pdf
56 Archaeologists Dig for Clues-1.pdf
57 earthquakes.pdf
58 Follow the Water from Brook to Ocean-1.pdf
59 How Mountains Are Made-1.pdf
60 Let's Go Rock Collecting-1.pdf
61 Oil Spill!-1.pdf
62 Volcano.pdf
63 What's So Bad About Gasoline-1.pdf
64 Why Are the Ice Caps Melting-1.pdf
65 You're Aboard Spaceship Earth-1.pdf
66 Day Light, Night Light-1.pdf
67 Energy Makes Things Happen-1.pdf
68 Forces Make Things Move-1.pdf
69 Gravity Is a Mystery-1.pdf
70 How People Learned to Fly-1.pdf
71 Switch On,Switch Off-1.pdf
72 What Is the World Made Of-1.pdf
74 Where Does the Garbage Go-1.pdf
75 Where Did Dinosaurs Come From-1.pdf
76 Where Do Polar Bears Live-1.pdf
78 What Happens to Our Trash-1.pdf

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